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I am due with baby no. 3 TODAY. Compared to baby no. 1 and even baby no. 2 it’s SO different. The anticipation is completely different, and the planning – well we were painting her room YESTERDAY! I am terrified and not remotely calm, I’ve barely stopped to really reflect about what it is going to be like with 3 small humans to be responsible for and as for labour, well – I would quite like to keep my head firmly in the sand on that one! When people say you ‘forget’ once you hold your baby….. I STRONGLY DISAGREE!

I remember like it was yesterday on both and it’s certainly not going to tickle and perhaps I should use my last days or hours preparing myself mentally and not bashing out a newsletter!

I feel the need to share how I am feeling because I can’t possibly be the only mum to be to feel this way. I am terrified that I am not cut out for 3 kids, I am worried that I’ve ruined the opportunities we had and that Disney has become Dubbo and we are going to need a car with sliding doors! I am scared that I won’t cope and scared that I won’t be able to juggle and keep a sense of self and fulfill my vision to build Mum Society. I hope that some of these feelings and fears are irrational and hormonal but something also tells me they are completely normal and anyone about to become a parent is riddled with self-doubt!

Our event just two weeks ago was a sellout, Sally Obermeder moved every single mum in the room sharing her story, her battle, how she coped, how she survived and how she is full of hope and happiness. I realise how silly my self-doubt is when I write the above and realise how lucky I am to be able to share such an incredible mum with each of you (blame hormones for the self-doubt). We really need to believe in ourselves! The images by Blumenthal Photography can be viewed HERE and re-cap notes from Sally are below.

Our next guest speaker JESSICA SMITH on OCTOBER 26th has battled and conquered self-doubt and I have a funny feeling, she is exactly what we all need a little dose of. Tickets are limited and can be booked here and I very much hope to see you there and introduce our new addition!

Kylie x

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